Before Yoga, probably, you weren’t used spending much time on your hands. Personally, I didn’t.
The reason why we should take good care of our wrists because they are taking the rule of our upper body ankles.
And, we really want to avoid injuries.

Here four very effective exercises:

Exercise 1
From tabletop position, fingers facing forward
Inhale, elevate the palm of the hands
Exhale, the palms back to the floor
Repeat x 10 times

Exercise 2
From tabletop position, fingers facing backward
Exhale, sit on the heels
Inhale, come back forward
Repeat x 10 times

Exercise 3
From tabletop position, fingers facing each other, hand’s palms facing upward
Inhale, close the fists
Exhale, open the fists
Repeat x 10 times

Exercise 4
From tabletop position, fingers facing backward, hand’s palms facing upward
Inhale, close the fists
Exhale, open the fists
Repeat x 10 times

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