Hi Guys,
Today’s tutorial is designed to show how to work at shoulders flexibility using Yoga Blocks. Personally, I love using blocks, they are great to ease poses and to help improve the range of motion.
Here a sequence designed to open the upper back, and release shoulders tension:
1 Puppy pose using yoga blocks underneath the hands
2 Puppy pose with Yoga blocks underneath the elbows, bend the arms at a 90° angle, prayer hands, knees on the floor and gaze forward
3 Puppy pose with Yoga blocks underneath the elbows, arms gently placed between the scapulas, prayer hands, knees on the floor, chin on the mat (possibly) and gaze forward
4 Puppy pose with Yoga blocks underneath the elbows, arms gently placed between the scapulas, prayer hands, knees on the floor, forehead on the mat (possibly)
5 Puppy pose using yoga blocks underneath one hand while twisting on the opposite direction with the other
6 Lie on a yoga block placed on the upper back, and another one underneath the head. Arms overhead and relax
7 Lie on a yoga block placed on the upper back, head on the floor, the arms overhead and relax
8 Lie on a yoga block placed on the upper back, in the tall position (3), head on the floor, the arms overhead and relax
Benefits of stretching the shoulders:
Shoulder stretches can help relieve muscle tension, pain, and tightness in the neck and shoulders. Stiff or tight shoulders can cause discomfort and limit a person’s range of motion.
1 reduce tension.
2 relieve pain.
3 increase in mobility.
4 reduce the risk of muscle and joint injury.
5 improve posture.