How to work at the split pose
Hanumanasana, also known as the split pose is a challenging asana and might take years to master. In some case decades.
Personally, as a former dancer, I started working at mine when I was only 4 years of age, and I am still learning.
Here 4 very useful exercises you can do daily to reach your goal and split pose.
Exercise 1
High lunge: opens the hips and chest, stretches the groin and legs, lengthens the spine and strengthens the lower body
Breath x 10 times each leg
Exercise 2
Low lunge: deeper hips, thighs, hamstrings, groins, and quadriceps Stretch
Breath x 10 times each leg
Exercise 3
Runner lunge: squares the hips, and stretches knees and quadriceps
Breath x 10 times each leg
Exercise 4
Lizard pose: Opens the hips, hamstrings, groins and hip flexors. Strengthens the inner thigh muscles on the front leg. Opens and releases the chest, shoulders and neck.
Breath x 10 times each leg