The key to backbend isn’t as you might think to be bendy but, to have an open pelvic floor, and flexible hips joints. And, the best way to work on those two characteristics is through lunges. They work wonderfully, believe me.

Exercise 1 repeat both sides
Low Lunge: Hips squared parallel to the floor, 90º angle of the foot with the lower leg, foot rooted into the floor, core engaged and sucked in, chest lifts toward the sky, shoulders down, relaxed and parallel to the hips, long spine, Hips sinking down,  big smile, look forward, and breathe 10 times.

Exercise 2 repeat both sides
Runners Low Lunge: Hips squared parallel to the floor, a 90º angle of the foot with the lower leg, foot rooted into the floor, take the foot behind and pull it toward your gluteus, take the opposite arm up toward the sky, and slightly lean backward. Core engaged and sucked in, chest lifts toward the sky, shoulders down, relaxed, long spine, Hips sinking down,  big smile, look upward, and breathe 10 times.

Exercise 3 repeat both sides
Low Lunge with backbend: Hips squared parallel to the floor, a 90º angle of the foot with the lower leg, foot rooted into the floor, core engaged and sucked in, chest lifts toward the sky, shoulders down, and relaxed, long spine, Hips sinking down. Take both arms up toward the sky, exhale and bend backward, big smile, look at your hands, and breathe 10 times.