Ekam 1: Inhale, lift the arms up. Look up
Dve 2: Exhale, forward fold and touch the nose to the knees.
Trini 3: Inhale, lift the head up. Look forward.
Catvari 4: Exhale, jump the legs back and hold the body straight on the hands and toes only. Chaturanga Dandasana. Look forward.
Panca 5: Inhale, Push the chest forward, lift the head up, straighten the arms without touching either the thighs or the knees to the floor, toes pointed. Look Up
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward Facing Dog.
Sat 6: Exhale, lift the waist up, press the heels to the floor, pull in the belly completely, and hold d the position while gazing at the navel. Breath five times.
Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog.
Sapta 7: inhale, place the right foot between the hands, bend the knee of the right leg, straighten the knee of the left leg, bring the hands together, and gaze at the thumbs.
Astau 8: exhale, jump back Chaturanga Dandasana. Look forward.
Nava 9: inhale, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward facing dog. Look up.
Dasa 10: exhale, Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward facing dog.
Ekadasa 11: inhale, place the left foot between the hands, bend the knee of the left leg, straighten the knee of the right leg, bring the hands together, and gaze at the thumbs.
Dvadasa 12: exhale, jump back Chaturanga Dandasana. Look Forward.
Trayodasa 13: inhale, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward Facing Dog. Look Up.
Caturdasa 14: exhale, Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog. Gaze at the navel.
Pancadasa 15: Inhale, jump the feet forward to the hands, lift the head up. Look forward.
Sodasa 16: Exhale, fold forward and touch the nose to the knees.
Saptadasa 17: Inhale, lift the arms up. Look Up.
Exhale, Samasthitih

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