Sapta 7: Inhale, Jump through to a seated position with the right leg folded back. Take the left leg with both hands, look up
Atau 8: Exhale, pull the left leg toward the chest, touch the chin to the knee or to the shin. Look up. Breath five times.
Nava 9: Inhale, look up, Exhale
Dasa 10: Inhale, Lift up with crossed legs
Ekadasa 11: Exhale, jump back, Chaturanga Dandasana. Look forward
Dvadasa 12: Inhale, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. Upward facing dog. Look up
Trayodasa 13: Exhale, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward facing dog. Gaze at the Navel
Caturdasa 14: Inhale, Jump through to a seated position with the left leg folded back. Take the right leg with both hands, look up
Pancadasa 15:  Exhale, pull the right leg toward the chest, touch the chin to the knee or to the shin. Look up. Breath five times.
Sodasa 16: Inhale, look up, Exhale
Saptadasa 17: Inhale, Lift up with crossed legs
Astadasa 18: Exhale, jump back, Chaturanga Dandasana. Look forward
Ekona Vimsatih 19: Inhale, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. Upward facing dog. Look up
Vimsatih 20: Exhale, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward facing dog. Gaze at the Navel