9 Steps Tutorial to Grasshopper Pose

Parsva Bhuja Dandasana is not a beginner arm balance; it requires wrists and, core strength, as well as open hips, and intense torsion of the torso. Perhaps, you won’t be able to perform Grasshopper after the first try, but with those simple exercises, you will

  1. Hip opener: double pigeon, if you feel pain in your knees, do not push down, try to relax and breathe x10 times
  2. When you feel comfortable enough, twist to the side, and breathe x10 times
  3. Bend forward and try to place the foot into the armpit, prayer hands, relax, and breathe x 10 times
  4. Afterward, take the knee of the leg above up, sink the hips towards the floor. Breathe x10 times.
  5. Next, extend the leg on the bottom to the side, and slowly deepen into a forward fold. You must feel an intense twist and the hip opening. If you start feeling knee pains, come up a little. Breathe x 10 times
  6. Now, the hip opening and the twist start to get really intense. Bend the leg below, place the foot of the opposite leg, safely (be sure to not strain the ankle) near to the knee. Twist to the side, and slide gently the foot into the armpit. Breathe x10 times
  7. Then, come to chair pose, place the foot of the leg you are working slightly higher than the knee of the opposite leg. Twist to the side and try place the foot into the armpit. Breathe x 10 times
  8. After that, place the hands on the floor, the foot as close as possible to the armpit, and shift the body weight forward.
  9. Extend the leg below, placed next to the foot, and breathe x5 times.

Repeat the same sequence with the other leg.
In Yoga, it is really important to work both sides equally, and never leave one behind. Our aim is to have both sides progressing uniformly